We went with more of an urban chic route with Rachel. She is a dancer, and I think my favorite shots are those that mix the grace and beauty of dance with the rigidness of the city. What a wonderful contrast. Rachel is a beautiful person both inside and out. We wish her continued success in her senior year.
This mystery man is her boyfriend, Lucas, who is also a dancer.
Go Bailie! We had such a fun time taking these pictures. I think my favorite part was setting her bat on fire. It took a mixture of motor oil and lighter fluid. Oh, and if you ever want to set a wooden bat on fire, remember to sand the finish off first. Good Luck Bailie! May God bless you wherever you are led.
The more we shoot at Piedmont Park, the more I like it there. Alan and Lori were a lot of fun. They had seen other sessions from Piedmont Park and liked them, but when we said we wanted to do something different, they were up for anything. We discovered some great new places to shoot, and we got to know Lori and Alan better in the process. We had a great time and are looking forward to their King Plow Art Center wedding on August 31st. Now if they can only decide on a honeymoon destination.
These are our friends - Craig, Tanya, Ty, Mason, and Sarah Grace (Gracie). We love the Wilcox Family. They are so much fun, there is never a dull moment. We've known them since Mason (the middle child with blonde hair) was just learning to crawl. It has been so wonderful and rewarding to be a part of their lives for the last 3 years. We spent 2 days with them at Cape San Blas, Florida enjoying the sunshine, the water, and the oysters. Enjoy the following pics- such a beautiful family, inside and out.
We have yet to finish a session with the boys fully clothed.
Love is the most beautiful thing. It may rain and change a few plans, but it doesn't diminish the spirit or beauty of a wedding. Although, for Hillary and Josh, the rain may have been good luck, it rained on her parent's wedding day. Enjoy the following photos. We wish nothing but the best for Hillary and Josh, now and always.