For Matt's B-Day, we headed south to see and feed the free roaming animals. We were the third car to enter the park, and let me tell you, the animals were hungry and waiting for us. We weren't expecting them to try and get in the car! I guess we should have picked up on it when we discovered they sold "Slobber Towels" at the park. It was pretty neat to be that close to the animals. Kai-Lin did not like the big animals - she had us roll up her window for most of the safari. However, she did want to take some of the little deer home. It was a great birthday adventure none of us will soon forget.

Melissa trying to feed the Elk and avoid being slobbered on.
One of the "little deer" that Kai wanted to take home
Evil Ostrich.
The next three are pictures of our wild animals.
We went to the car wash before we went home. Notice the carefully placed animal slobber all over the windows.
I love your face in the Zebra photo! That's priceless! LOL. I don't know how comfortable I would be with zebras in my car :)
You guys needed to roll down your windows more! That would have been interesting!
The rules said you could only roll them half way down.
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